Toyota Tire Road Hazard Protection

Developed exclusively for Toyota Owners!
  • To provide Toyota guests with peace of mind
  • Available in 3 or 4 year agreement terms (no mileage limitation)
  • Available for all new & replacement tires purchased through the National Program (all-season, summer and winter)
  • No pro-rated adjustment

Terms & Conditions
  • For new, pre-owned, leased light vehicles and recreational vehicles, the tire program warrants that if the vehicle has a flat tire due to valid Road Hazard, the program covers the cost to repair the tire. If the tire cannot be repaired, then the program will cover the cost of a replacement tire identical to the original tire or of like kind and quality if the original tire is no longer available.
  • Additional costs covered: the program will cover the cost of the following expenses as they pertain to an authorized claim: Taxes, valve stems, mounting and tire balancing and applicable provincial environmental levies**
  • There is a $2000 (CDN) aggregate contract maximum benefit
  • The agreement can be purchased within 30 days of the initial tire sale or new vehicle registration
  • The agreement can be cancelled within 30 days of purchase if no claims have been processed
*Road Hazards are defined as and limited to potholes, cracks, nails, screws, bolts, glass, rocks and other debris found on a public roadway
Why should I buy Toyota Road Hazard Protection Plan Coverage?
  • Tire Manufacturers Warranty only covers if there is a defect in product, they do not cover road hazards
  • On a set of 4 tires the cost is only $27/year for 3 years OR $25/year for 4 years
  • Canada's roads and highways are deteriorating and poor road conditions cause increased wear and tear on vehicles
  • The average driver will experience 5 flat tires in their driving lifetime
  • The TRHP covers all costs related to repair and replacement of your new tires, including Labour
Email or call 905-625-3540 for more details about protection options for your tires